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Good practice
Each PeerThink partner evaluated a project which can be seen as “good practice” using the following criteria:
  • More than one social category should be touched
  • Interconnection should be visible
  • Decrease of power relations (by deconstruction)
  • Violence prevention should be addressed.

Good practice example Slovenia
Violence Preventive Workshops
(Association against violent communication - DNK)

Association against violent communication (DNK) builds the conceptual background of their violence preventive workshops in primary and secondary schools on the structural definition of violence as something that we learn from the society and is interrelated with power relations existing in the society. Violence is outlined as a consequence of the differences in social power. Women, ethnic minorities, lesbians and gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, and handicapped are clearly identified as social groups with less social power and therefore as social groups that are more exposed and vulnerable for violence.

Good practice project Italy
Ce.S.I.E. (Centro Studied Iniziative Europee)

Ce.S.I.E. is a non-profit organisation which works on intercultural dialogue; fights against discrimination, for peace and non-Violence; and is concerned with Gender issues. The centre for creative development “Danilo Dolci” promotes the method and the work of Danilo Dolci in Palermo through the project “Inventing the Future – Reciprocal meiotic Approach in Conflict Transformation”.

Good practice project France
Prévention des Conduites à Risque, PCR
Prevention of the risk-taking behavior

Prevention of risk-taking behaviour is a French project, developed by a street and social workers organisation. Their main approach is the concept of “dedicated prevention” based on street Education by presence and action proposed in an urban district with anonymous and willing choice of participation and where Violence is taken as an everyday phenomenon as others.

Good practice project Austria
M.IK.E – Migration.Interculture.Empowerment is an Austrian project, developed by people with migrant background. The project focuses empowerment as a main approach in the field of work with young migrant people, who need support in shaping their future perspectives.
Good practice project Germany

The respect project consists of two sub-projects:
respect – anti-racist and Gender reflected work against Violence and exclusion (2003 – 2006) and respect – come together (2007).  The target group are 14 to 17 year old school students from schools which are located in socially disadvantaged districts of Bremen.