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PeerThink Standard Sheet: Input/Method/Exercise

Based on RealGeM & GemTrEx, with adaptations referring to Blickhäuser & Bargen1

Name of the Input/ Method/Exercise
15 – 30 minutes
Target Group/Criteria for Access
Adolescents from the age of 12 years
Cards with terms which have to do with e.g. racism, Gender, sexuality or social Class in a broader sense
Learning Outcomes
Introduction of central terms regarding gender relations, racism and social class
  • To experience the possibility to express (complex terms) on the non-verbal level
  • To express themselves (in another way than speaking)
Method Instruction
Charades is a game with two teams. The task is that one person mimes the terms without using words and their own team has to guess the term. After guessing the term or after one minute the time is over and it is the turn of the other team.
The facilitator has prepared some cards with terms regarding to the theme of the project.
Step-by-Step Description
After explaining the general idea of the game, two teams are built up.
Ask which group will start and who wants to start to perform a term towards their own group. Show the person who wants to perform the card with the term. Ask if the term is clear to them. If there is no understanding of the term take a new one. When the term is clear, ask the participant to pantomime the term to the others. Take the time when the participant starts. When the term is guessed or after one minute, it is the turn of the other team.
Terms could be, for example, referring to racism:
Foreigner office, affront, illegality, diversity, bi-cultural lovers, state of residence, asylum seeker, multilingual, colonialism, ...
Terms could be, for example, referring to social class: rich, poor, worker, social welfare, unemployment
Terms could be, for example, referring to sexism: prostitution, homework, homophobia …
If the group does not enjoy mime/pantomime, you can introduce other forms of expression, for example verbal explaining without using the term that the other group is supposed to be guessing (taboo) and drawing. Each category wins another number of points, e.g.: verbal 1, drawing 2, mime/pantomime 3
You must not introduce the terms but the group can find the terms for the other team and vice versa.
Frame Conditions
(Room, Space)
Space to perform, to mime infront of the group
  • group size
  • recommendation about point of time or process (e.g.“starter”)
  • Framework/Related Methods
Even if Charades is a “warm up” method you should not start a seminar or project with this method. You should know the group a little to estimate how the atmosphere is between the participants. If you feel an atmosphere of depreciation, the method is not useful because you need at least a minimum of confidence.
Possible difficulties
  • group situation
  • point of process
Some participants can be a little shy. Empower but do not press them to do the pantomime. 
Comments and Experiences/Evaluation
The terms you choose can differ a lot. They can be very common but also kind of abstract. 



1 Blickhäuser, Angelika / Bargen, Henning von (Hrsg.) (2006): Mehr Qualität durch Gender Kompetenz. Ein Wegweiser für Training und Beratung im Gender Mainstreaming. Königstein/Taunus.

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