Four fields of discrimination |
PeerThink Standard Sheet: Input/Method/Exercise
Based on RealGeM & GemTrEx, with adaptations referring to Blickhäuser & Bargen1
Name of the Input/ Method/Exercise
Four fields of discrimination
40-60 minutes
Target Group/Criteria for Access
All groups
A sheet of paper and a pencil to write down our own experiences in the first step (see below)
Learning Outcomes
Reflection of own participation in discriminatory behaviour, possibility to talk about experiences as victim or witness of discrimination
- Develop strategies for situations of discriminatory behaviour
- Learn from others’ experiences
- Develop skills in interaction for situations in which Violence or discrimination appears
- Strengthen competencies to interfere in situations of violence
Method Instruction
The activity is based on personal experiences with discrimination, inequalities and different positions of power.
Step-by-Step Description
First step (individual work; 15 min.)
Ask the participants to think about four different situations they experienced: experience in which you used discriminatory behaviour or violence against somebody else experience in which you were victim of discriminatory behaviour experience in which you were witness of a discrimination or violence against somebody else and you did not interfere experience in which you were witness of a discrimination or violence against somebody else and you did interfere
Each participant writes down notes.
Optional: Ask participants if they had wished to have acted in a different way with any of the situations experienced, and if yes how.
Second step (working group; 20 min.)
Split the group into working groups of 3-5 persons.
Ask participants to exchange their answers within their group and to talk about their experiences.
Third step (plenary discussion; 10 - 20 min.)
Ask participants in a plenary discussion about their findings and results from the group discussions.
Talk about different strategies in dealing with these situations.
Frame Conditions
(Room, Space)
Possibilities to change from single work to small group work and back into plenary session
recommendation about point of time or process (e.g.“starter”)
Framework/Related Methods
Possible difficulties
- group situation
- point of process
Participants can be confronted with very unpleasant situations they experienced in the past.
Trainers have to have good competencies in dealing with participants feelings of helplessness and frustration.
Comments and Experiences/Evaluation
Jasmine Böhm, ZARA – Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassimus-Arbeit
Original Source:
Wenzel, Florian M./Seberich, Michael (Hrsg.) 2001: The Power of Language. Bertelsmann Stiftung. Gütersloh.
1 Blickhäuser, Angelika / Bargen, Henning von (Hrsg.) (2006): Mehr Qualität durch Gender Kompetenz. Ein Wegweiser für Training und Beratung im Gender Mainstreaming. Königstein/Taunus.