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HOME arrow Project history arrow Seminar Palermo arrow Monday – Afternoon session
Monday – Afternoon session
The Austrian group had decided to divide the morning session into two parts, one performed by Livinus and the other by Jasmine.
Livinus presented M.IK.E – Migration.Interculture.Empowerment. It is a project, developed by people with migrant background for people with migrant background. The project focuses empowerment as a main approach in the field of work with young people. Empowerment as a process of self-determination, personal responsibility and self-organisation should strengthen the ability of political participation. Implicitly, the organisation follows an approach that could be described by the idea: “Inclusion prevents Violence”, in the sense of “projects of appraisal” (Böhnisch, 2007) viii. (link to the contexualized method)

After the presentation Livinus performed the method “Cross-cultural Onions –Solution in managing cross -cultural /cross sectional/ peer-group conflicts (link to method sheet) onion of a conflict”. (The core are the conflict partners, the next onionskin is the “hypothesis group, the next the proposal group for solutions and the last one are the observers.) He succeeded in presenting this method as an example to work with the everyday life experiences of the young people (mostly young men) and to discover the different perspectives of the involved persons.

Jasmine presented the awareness raising training of ZARA (Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit)
ZARA offers workshops and trainings on racism, courage to stand up for one’s belief, language and discrimination, anti-discrimination legislation. ZARA annually holds a training course on anti-racism work. ZARA’s annually published Racism Report has become a fundamental and widely used document in Education and awareness raising activities. ZARA is consequently engaging in public relations linked to the issue of racism. Jasmine introduced the method to reflect the different perspectives on discrimination: Four fields of discrimination (link to method sheet). The participants first are asked to reflect on the following situations:
1.an experience in which you used discriminatory behaviour or violence against somebody else
2.an experience in which you were victim of discriminatory behaviour
3.an experience in which you were witness of a discrimination or violence against somebody else and you did not interfere
4.an experience in which you were witness of a discrimination or violence against somebody else and you did interfere

Second step (pair interviews)
Building pairs to ask the participants to exchange their answers and experiences (20 – 30 min)
Alternative step (working group; 20 min.)
Split the group into working groups of 3-5 persons.
Ask participants to exchange their answers within their group and to talk about their experiences.
Third step (plenary discussion; 10 - 20 min.)
Ask participants in a plenary discussion about their findings and results from the group discussions.
Talk about different strategies in dealing with these situations.

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