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HOME arrow Project history arrow Seminar Palermo arrow Tuesday – Afternoon session
Tuesday – Afternoon session
Presentation of Adapt 13 by Stefan and Thierry. [pop up photo]
Prevention of the risk-taking behavior (PCR) is a project led by Addap 13 (Association départementale pour le Développement des Actions de Prévention) in various districts of Marseille. The basic methodology remains the specialized prevention based on a triptych of individual follow-up, educational accompaniment and collective project led in support to the other actions. Every project is established in a specific territory where the educators circulate and in the long term become established. The first phase of the work serves for establishing a social diagnosis of the district (needs, main problems, structures and existing organizations, etc.) The local associative fabric is sought and strengthened. Moreover, the inhabitants and the families are regularly consulted (community work). (Link to method sheet no. specialized prevention technique)
Stefan and Thierry described the global method
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