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Wednesday - Morning session
Association against violent communication (DNK)
The Violence preventive workshops in primary and secondary schools are based primarily on prevention programmes with the emphasis on rising awareness, critical thinking and reflection of values and standpoint concerning the violence, learning alternative practice how to deal with violence and give the opportunity to pupils to speak up about their own problems. In the workshops the main aims are self-empowerment and self-reflection in terms of expressing emotions and controlling behaviour, and to learn non-violent communication. (link to contextualized method)
Robert and Marianna perform a 90 minute session of a non violent communication like they do it in a school Class.  The structure is:
1.Introduction of the workshop leader and the Association for non-violent communication
2.Reorganization of the classroom (to make a round table)
3.Introduction of the concepts “my physical space” and “my personal space in which I feel comfortable” and conversation about that
4.Introduction of the 5 basic rules which have to be respected during the workshop. The rules are written on the table, the moderator explain them one by one and ask children for their agreement:
there is enough time that everybody expresses his/her opinion, we do not talk when somebody speaks;
speak from your own experiences;
it is OK if you do not want to talk;
you can disagree with what has been said but do not judge the person because of his/her opinion;
the rule of confidence. [pop up]
5.Ice-break exercise
6.Introduction of the concept “self-image”
7.Introduction of the concept “conflict resolution”
8. Discussion about connectedness of conflict, violence and self-image.
9.Discussion on the influence of the “outer” (cultural) messages and images on our self-image.
10.Work in small groups – recognizing the violence
11.Doing the classroom back in starting situation.
12.Evaluation, praise of the children for their work and farewell.
13.Reporting to the class teacher.
(Link to method sheet )

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