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HOME arrow Project history arrow Seminar Palermo arrow Wednesday – Afternoon session
Wednesday – Afternoon session
Presentation of the respect – project and the criteria because of which it is a good practise project by Mart and Olaf. The criteria:   
In the everyday work “respect” considers the interdependence of social categories Gender and Ethnicity (and others) on different levels:
1. The structure: Gender as category structures the work of “respect” in the way they work in boys and girls groups. Even if the seminars are structured in that dichotomise way it exist an understanding of male, female and other genders.
2. The topics: Gender, hetero-sexism and racism are stressed because of the themes the groups are working on like focus on racist everyday discrimination of the students, homosexuality/heterosexuality and history of racism.
3.  The team: The “respect-team” is a trans-cultural team. The members of the team have different background regarding cultural, gender and sexual backgrounds. Each little team (e.g. a two women team for a girl group) at least is mixed by a person with a migrant background and a non migrant background.  
In terms of the intersectional approach of McCall (2005) respect works on all three level of intersectional analyse:
Respect works anti-categorical in the sense that they offer open, flexible identities to the students and don’t refer on essential identity-concepts
Respect works in an intra-categorical way – and perhaps this is the main field of their work – in the sense to reveal the diversity of any “homogeneous” group.
Respect works inter-categorical because it shows the power relation between groups like in the dichotomy of gender system.    

The respect team – Songül, Maren and Ines – introduced a barometer of position with following questions:
Do you think there are more than tow genders?
Do you feel part of a minority in society?

The respect team performed the different questions in a different way. Sometimes they asked the people to argue for their position in their small group they stay together at the same position or to argue individual towards to whole group. The discussions came really fast really deep above all regarding to the question of feeling part of a minority.
(Link to method sheet)
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