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HOME arrow Project history arrow Seminar Palermo arrow Wednesday – Evening session
Wednesday – Evening session
National reflection – groups with the question: What is necessary in your local context to improve an intersectional peer Violence prevention approach? The questions to reflect on were:
next steps for the national and the European context
futher Education modules
implementation strategies
policy recommendations

Mixed reflections

it is necessary a variety of different methods (preventive, curative methods, for different lengths of training, curricular and extracurricular, different target groups, different concepts of Violence)
there are no intersectional methods by itself, but each method can address Intersectionality or can be used as intersectional
self-reflexive parts/methods are very important and appears the most persuasive
one of the inputs given by the respect team was that the method itself is not so important/the method is more like a frame for the message or the principle that you would like to introduce  to the society
discrimination preventive workshops should be part if curriculum or state supported
Clarify the own theoretical background in reference to intersectionality
Build up a network
promote the topic – funding in necessary
exchange experiences
Further education Methods
For whom?  -
Youth workers
train the trainer
teachers + educators

qualified men are needed
Implementation strategies
Diversity mainstreaming
Policy Recommendations
Diversity Mainstreaming Top down. Compulsory further education for certain professions
An intersectional approach still needed a political recognition
 Empowerment (e.g. like the concept of Danilo Dolci, strike paradox) is an important strategy
life long learning in education sector (teachers, educators) in Gender, diversity, …
families must be addressed
the concept of intersectionality still is difficult to understand
bridges between practical work and theory/research is needed

Finally: Closing evening with dinner, music and guest from Palermo.
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