Intersectionality is a paradigmatic approach to social sciences
and social work. Intersectionality holds the idea that forms of
oppression within a society, such as those based on race/
Religion, sexuality,
Class, disability and other markers of
difference, interrelate and dispose for individual lives [link to
In the Peerthink Project, we define intersectional peer
Violence prevention work as:
- More than one social category is touched
- The inter-connection of the social categories is visible
- There is a contribution to decrease of power relations by deconstruction
- Violence prevention is addressed
The single methods you will find are not intersectional in themselves.
But you can use most of them in an intersectional way, referring to the
four points above.
Therefore in the single method sheets you will find a context
description next to the instruction and many hints about the methods
becoming intersectional. Sometimes it needs a little change in your
introduction to the participants; sometimes you will want to apply some
additional features. The most important thing is the consideration of
the concrete life and behavioural context of the young people. The
self-learning modules are helpful for self- estimation. [link to self
learning modules]
Even if there is not any intersectional method, we can stress some
approaches, which provide educational and social work in an
intersectional sense.
Orientation on personal experiences and surroundings
Orientation on subjectivity
Empowerment approach towards non-dominant groups
Enhancing the self-worth
Community work
(This list is not ranged on one logical level. Community work, for
instance is displaced in this logical set. – Marion. Right. We should
discus if we need a logical set at this point)
What does intersectional Peer violence prevention mean?
In this handbook we use a concept of violence prevention that not only
includes individual physical and verbal attacks among young people.
Also, social living conditions and structural hierarchies are seen as a
base, on which young people are forced to behave violently. Gender
relation, social class and racism are our main categories we focus on
Youth violence.
Violence is quite obviously connected to gender. Empirically, it has
been shown that young men are more likely than young women, both to
behave violently and to become victims of violence. The effort to
interpret this gender bias needs an analysis of social expectations and
power structures in a gender dichotomy structure. Certain forms of
violent behaviour seem to be more adequate to male than to female
Social class produces differences regarding individual violent
behaviour, and it is an important factor that young people in bad
social living conditions are highly affected by violence.
And the social category of ethnicity is important for us to work on the
issue of racist motivated violence, everyday racism and on social
processes of focussing conflicts under an ethnic angle.
For a violence prevention approach this always means a double perspective on violence:
To understand that masculinity and femininity are constructed in a
gender dichotomy and in a certain relation to violence. That means e.g.
that an individual physical violent behaviour seems to be more adequate
to men than to women. To work on the fact that men are more violent in
a certain way but not to make the simple division of (solely)
perpetrators and (solely) victims
To perceive individual violent behaviour as a more common and real fact
of everyday life under certain social conditions, but to also see all
the resources of the people to behave in a non-violent manner under
that condition.
To perceive certain (cultural) norms and values that generate violence
(e.g. masculinity norms that legitimize violence) but never explain
individual behaviour because of a certain culture or ethnicity.