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What does the manual offer ?
This manual gives a variety of practical methods for different fields of work. It covers as well self-learning modules for awareness rising in those who work with teenagers in their social environment and in Education. The most important aspect in the field of social work and education is the attitude in which the pedagogical method is grounded. So it is not the method which makes the difference concerning a non-stereotyping, empowering Violence prevention, but the analysis and the concept of the person who conducts the methods. This means that the social worker's/educator's perspective on the question of why some young people become violent and why others do not constitutes questions as follow:

What do structural hierarchies in society have to do with individual violent actions?
How do I as a person in the field of education see and judge differences?

Social categories (like Gender or disability) are nothing essential but socially constructed. That means they do not have a meaning by themselves but are made by symbols, language and social practices (e.g.: toilet symbols which define whether people who drive a wheelchair are either female or their own gender).


Dominant structures are always interwoven into these processes of categorisation. Violence has to be seen as based on these structures of dominance; therefore violence prevention has to reflect them as fundamental basics. The manual contains self-learning modules about violence, gender relations and Ethnicity which help to reflect the own perspectives and to develop an attitude behind a recommended practical method.
We present some methods of which we think that they are good examples for an intersectional approach.
In order to understand a good practice example it is necessary to know the specific social conditions: To develop a well adjusted intersectional approach for a specific target group, it is necessary to consider the group’s own specific context. Therefore we present a variety of good practice in local contexts .

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